Many are disheartened by the disappointments of others. Do not allow this to be your consequence. No other will ever think like her, not even her very own lover. She must have faith that love will not disappoint her. For love is infinite. People will disappoint her, perhaps even runaway, cheat on her devotion. But if she can reach within herself with vigor, she will find forgiveness. The power of forgiveness is something that can raise her spirit from the grasp of a suffocating and sadistic suicide.
Only love can relive pain. Love is a woman’s to nourish and give. Once she has given it, she deserves it in return with the same force that she gave it. Karma. She must learn to say goodbye to that which is no longer hers to keep. But, she must keep the fighting spirit of love until she knows that it is time to set that particular love free.
She does not want an easy ride. Love is not easy, but it is simple.

A woman must give herself with honesty. People will crumble around her, but she must not give up on someone when he/she gets frazzled, self-destructive or over-indulgent. She must respect love when she has it it, hold on to it even when it is delicate and afraid. She must not let it go. A woman is to be helpful and kind, for love can be quite mystical in its carnations. As humans, we are prone to loose sight of the simplicities that allow us to cultivate and grow. So as a strong woman, you must learn to gently navigate those around you towards the light. Never sacrifice your understandings of love to destroy yourself or another.
A woman has a very unique prowess. She is sustained within either frolicking in emotions, or suppressing emotions. However, the inevitability is this: she feels with passion. Love, hate, jealously, selfishness, helplessness, desperation, devotion. A woman’s life is a fine balancing act, upon a towering tight-rope. Staying focused in her values and fulfillments is crucial for achieving something substantial in her lifetime. Whether this is a personal victory or a realization of a dream, she must always remain focused on staying true to whom she IS.
She must reamain patient with learning. A woman can never know everything in her lifetime. When she, in exhaustion and with exhilaration, places her beautiful head down to take her last breath, she must be thankful that she did embrace both physical and emotional learning. She did her best to be a student of life. If she does embrace these difficult paths, she will die with contentment. There is no room in love for the weak of heart, or the un-kind.
Time is a woman’s greatest asset, her heart and mind, her personal guide. Though it is a difficult growth, she should not give up on anything that she may regret in her future. A woman’s victory is never easy, she must attain it with grace and dignity.
She must always remain graceful and dignified, even when she does not feel it. Rise.
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